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Physical Therapy & Performance Lab

Form Focus + BIG NEWS!

In light of marathon Monday today we thought we ought to dedicate this week to all things running form! Your form can play a huge impact on preventing injury and improving your times. If you were just inches from you BQ this year these minor tweeks and simple exercises could be just what you need to drop those needed seconds. After all when your form is on point you will be your most efficient. If you are efficient you use less energy on each stride. Those milliseconds then begin to add up and before you know it you have dropped minutes off your times! If you have the common misconception that only elite athletes need strength training then think again. It is actually more important for those who pick up running later in life and don't have a base from years of running. Muscular imbalances are the culprit to most common running injuries and investing just 10-15 min. of your day to improving your strength could be the difference between being sidelined with that knee injury or joyfully logging your miles on the cool spring mornings we all love. This week stayed tuned to our instagram, twitter, and facebook as we share exercises for the most important areas of the body when it comes to functional strength for endurance athletes. Also be on the look out this week for another blog detailing each of these functional areas, there importance, and how to improve them!

In other news Run Raleigh has some very exciting news to share...we are expanding! Since opening, we received so much positive feedback and so much growth that we couldn't contain it in our space on West St. We also saw the need to expand our reach to better serve the triangle region including those clients commuting to see us from Chapel Hill. We aren't your typical PT. We aren't just focused on our patients who are coming back from injury, we work with our clients year round. We want to be there on the front side, preventing injuries before they strike. With our focus on endurance sports, we understand the repetitive nature of what each of our clients do, day-in and day-out. Muscular imbalances are quite common in endurance sports and when left unattended, can grow into serious injuries. So along with the new facilities we will also now have the capability to offer 3D gait and bike analysis! Endurance athletes are a breed of their own. Injuries typically happen over time so our goal with our patients is to find the root cause and fix that. The source of the pain is not always the source of the injury. This new technology with 8 motion capture cameras taking 400 frames per second will give us a better picture of what is going on through each stride or rotation on the bike.

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