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Physical Therapy & Performance Lab

Running Mechanics 101

We spent this past week touching on ways that you can improve your running form to make you a better more efficient and injury free runner. So to follow it up we are going to get a little more in depth. From how to determine your specific weaknesses to what to do about them, we are here to help!

Gait Analysis

For starters, you have to know what your problem areas are in order to fix them. The best way to determine this is to get a gait analysis done by a trained professional. At Run Raleigh PT we have the capability to perform 3D-gait analysis to give you a 360 degree full-body analysis. The highly sensitive motion capture system can spot every slight inefficiency. 30 key parameters for good form are measured with a detailed analysis. The analysis then comes with training advice and a video playback so that you can see what you probably don't realize you are doing.

This 3D gait analysis also applies for cyclists. We have the ability to measure these same parameters for cyclists on a trainer. In any endurance sport the little things matter. No matter what your particular discipline, this analysis is a curable diagnosis and gives you the tools to literally and figuratively move forward faster!

Strength Training

Once you know your specific weaknesses it is important to follow up with the correct strength routine to fix them. Maybe your left hip drops and you need to strengthen your right glute. Maybe you have too much rotation in the torso and need to work on your arm drive to correctly counterbalance the rotation through your pelvis in your lower body. All of these things can be corrected through simple exercises, some in the gym and some as part of your running routine. For instance, earlier this week we mentioned hill strides and the benefit they can have on your form. Doing 6 short hill sprints, with an easy walk/jog recovery back down the hill in between, about 2 times per week will go a long way if you avoid over-striding and learn to drive from the glutes. If you have weak hips you can do something called hurdle drills. These don't have to be done with actual hurdles, they can be invisible hurdles you just have to mimic the movements (click this link to learn more). To improve your your stride, form drills coupled with strides will be your best bet! For things you can do in the gym check in with our various social media links for a new exercise each day this week!

Physical Therapy

Not all imbalances can be easily fixed via strength work. Some imbalances will need manipulation and body work to allow them to work appropriately. Imbalances and tightness can cause internal rotation of the hips and force the wrong muscles to do work they may not be suited for. That is where Physical Therapy comes in. Techniques like dry needling can release tight muscles which may, for instance, be forcing your foot to pronate. These types of tightness often need more work than a foam roller has the ability to correct. Beyond that, the particular source of pain may not be the ROOT cause of the pain. Physical Therapy at Run Raleigh PT is centered around this fact. Long term health as a runner requires diligence and the ability to be proactive at the 1st signs of injury. Trigger point release with dry needling and then manual therapy by way of soft tissue work, spinal manipulation, joint mobility, and movement re-education will combine to break dysfunctional patterns and make for a brighter future!

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