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Physical Therapy & Performance Lab

Bike Month!

It’s National Bike Month! This month we will be celebrating by focusing on all things bikes. Whether you prefer to road cycle, hit the trails, or ride simply for cross training, we will kick off the first week by discussing all the different ways to make you better. To start, let's take a look at all of the benefits of cycling!

Low Impact

Cycling is a low impact exercise that is easier on the joints than things like running or even walking. You still get the aerobic and anaerobic benefits of doing cardio exercise, but without all the wear an tear on the joints or bones. Aerobic exercise triggers the release of endorphins which improves your mood. If running is not an option Cycling may be the solution for reducing stress and improving your happiness. If you struggle with joint mobility, or have knee or ankle pain, biking or elliptigo biking maybe your best bet. Not to mention, with low impact exercise you can ride for longer and recover faster. If you are a cardio junky this is a great choice!

In the power phase, which is also referred to as the downstroke, you use the glutes, quads, and soleus muscle in the calves. During the recovery phase, also referred to as the backstroke, upstroke, and overstroke, you use the hamstrings and hip flexor. Then, in order to balance and stay upright, you also use your abdominal muscles and your arm and shoulder muscles to steer. Cycling is also very effective in building up your cardiovascular stamina and endurance because you can train for longer periods of time without excessive muscle fatigue. Cycling at high speeds for a short period of time can increase the cardio capacity and cycling at low speeds at a short period of time can increase cardio stamina. Check this link for more on how to increase your stamina on the bike.

Alternative Transportation

Cycling is also an easy option for either commuting to work or for running errands in town. Choosing to bike instead of drive is an easy way to squeeze in some exercise on a busy day. Cycling can also serve as stress relief. If your work commute is too far, there is always the option to park and ride. Drive to a safe location to park your car and bike the remainder of the trip. Cycling is also an environmentally safe option and cutting down on the number of car trips you take can reduce your trips to the gas station as well. But before you head out on the streets or greenways, it is important to know the rules on the road. On city streets, bicyclists must behave much like cars, but putting your own safety first is important. Plan your route before you. Look for marked routes and low volume streets or greenways to get you where you are going. For more on bike safety including the rules of the road for bicyclists click here. May 15th through May 19th is the national Bike to Work Week with May 19th being the recognized Bike to Work Day.

For more events celebrating Bike Month, check out!

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